School Bus

Please check 2 weeks prior to the start of school for busing information. 

Transportation Services will be provided for students to and from their neighborhood school, consistent with Revised Code of Washington (RCW) 28A.160.160

Bus Stops

Students who live more than one mile from school are eligible for school bus transportation based on state law. Some students who live closer than the state-defined distances may still be eligible if the walk path to school is deemed hazardous by the district.

Find Your Route

How to Access E-Link

The arrival time is an automated estimate; actual arrival times are determined by school departure time, travel distance, traffic, route design and student needs. The information displayed in e-Link is subject to confirmation by calling Transportation at 425-408-7900.

  1. Open E-Link
  2. Enter your student ID for the username and your student's date of birth (mmddyyyy) for the password field
  3. Enter your student's grade level, house number, street address, and zip code
  4. Click 'Find School/Transportation Info

For students that are riding to a program that is out of their home service area, you will need to click on the advanced tab for your student's bus information. (Innovation Lab, SAS, EAP)

We are requesting parents be at their student's bus stop 5 minutes after school is released to meet their child until we are able to establish a consistent drop off time.

Internet Explorer users: If you are having difficulty, try clicking on the compatibility button in the browser address field to turn it blue. If a window pops up asking for username and password, type the word public for both. If you continue to have difficulty, please try using a different browser such as Safari or Firefox.


E-Link is not supported on all tablets or smartphones.