Cottage Lake Emergency Procedures
In case of an emergency during school hours, or affecting school operation, (such as a snowstorm, windstorm, earthquake, fire or lockdown) please note the following important information:
• Please do NOT call the school office to make dismissal arrangements for your child or to ask if school will be closed or on a late start schedule. Our phone lines quickly become jammed and our office staff will not be available to deal with students or the emergency!
• Northshore School District broadcasts emergency messages, when necessary, using several methods. General emergency messages, early and late school openings and closings can be found on the district homepage, and on the district information line at 425-408-6001. Information is also available at School Report website,
• School Messenger: During a school emergency, the district messaging system quickly sends important messages to parents via phone. This automated calling system only works if your contact phone numbers are current in the student information system. Phone numbers can be updated through the school office. Please note: 1) School Messenger automatically starts with the “home” number listed in our parent information system. This number can be any phone number you designate. 2) The system calls this “home “ number when they need to reach you with emergency and announcement information. Please make sure your child’s school has all of your current home, cell, and work phone numbers as well as the contact information for another person who may be called in an emergency if you cannot be reached.
• Many local radio and TV stations will carry updates, including: KOMO FM, KOMO 1000 AM, KIRO 710 AM, KOMO channel 4, KING channel 5 and KIRO channel 7.
• We know that in the event of an emergency, parents will understandably be concerned about their children and will want access to their child. We understand your need, but hope that you will remain calm and work with us to ensure safe and accurate monitoring of all our students. Students will not be released until we have completed attendance and managed the immediate emergency. Thank you for your cooperation.
If an emergency should occur while your child is at school:
• Remain calm—don’t panic! Remember that we have your students’ best interests at heart and will do everything possible to keep them safe.
• If the school needs to be evacuated, we will organize students on the play field. Teachers and other personnel will supervise each class.
• If the school is evacuated, the student release station will be located in the undercover play area to the East of the school.
• When you arrive at school, please proceed immediately to the student release station. Do NOT go to the evacuation locations! Your students will be brought to you at the student release station. Parents will not be allowed past this point without permission.
• Students will not be released until we have completed our attendance procedures. Please wait patiently.

• A student will not be dismissed from school in a major emergency unless a parent, guardian, or an individual designated by the parent or guardian comes to the release station for documented pick-up and release. Please bring photo identification with you if at all possible. Please notify the designated adults on your dismissal plan, that photo ID will be required. You will be required to complete a form for each child that you are picking up. You will need to provide the child’s name, your name, your intended destination, phone number and signature.
• Parking will be an issue. Please do NOT block access to our only school entrance. Please note that the back gate to Cottage Lake will be locked for security during an emergency.
• If the school is NOT evacuated in an emergency, the student release station will be located in the school office, library or gym. Look for signs directing you to the location.
• During emergency situations, circumstances could arise that might force changes to the student release location. If this is the case, parents will be informed of changes via the local media and through school resources. Thank you for being flexible and patient!