Welcome to the Cottage Lake Learning Center (LC)

The Cottage Lake LC staff works with children identified as needing Special Education help in grades K-6. Instruction is done with small groups, individually or with the general education teacher on a collaborative basis. Children must be identified as having a learning disability due to developmental delays or health impairments.

The Learning Center comes under the umbrella of Special Education Services. Students who receive LC support have been found eligible to receive specially-designed instruction in academic content areas and have an Individualized Eduction Plan (IEP) developed by the IEP team. Students are assigned to a general classroom teacher for a majority of the day. Some students qualify for behavior support and social skills, and receive support/instruction from the Learning Center. Students with goals for reading, written language or math, receive instruction in the general education programs, as well as supplemental Specially Designed Instruction (SDI) from Learning Center staff.

The Learning Center teacher also provides support in the form of consulting services by utilizing evaluation data for the modification of instruction and curriculum, and identifying resources appropriate to individuals with exceptional needs.  Resources and support are provided to regular staff members, parents and guardians.

Learning Center Staff

Radhika Shyamsundar
LC Teacher
Samara Maynard
LC Paraprofessional


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